What Is a Residential Sale-Leaseback?

The sale-leaseback is becoming an increasingly popular option for homeowners looking to access their home's equity without moving. Find out how Truehold's Sale-Leaseback can help you live better at home.

Home Equity
July 12, 2024
What Is a Residential Sale-Leaseback?

If you’re a long-time property owner, chances are you’re already familiar with the usual paths to unlocking home equity: HELOCs, home equity loans, reverse mortgages, and selling your home outright. If you’re new to the industry, consider researching how to utilize your home equity to build wealth and explore using home equity for retirement to gain a deeper understanding of this valuable asset. However, selling your home can be time-consuming and stressful, and may not be the right decision to meet your needs.

Fortunately, there’s a new option that many homeowners are turning to; the residential sale-leaseback agreement. A home sale-leaseback is a transaction where the homeowner sells their property to a buyer but remains in the home as a tenant by leasing it back. This type of agreement allows you to take your hard-earned equity out of your home without actually having to leave it.  Plus, unlike a home equity loan, HELOC, or reverse mortgage, with a residential sale-leaseback (SLB) you don’t have to take on additional debt. You can use your home’s value to do whatever you want: build your own business, pay for education, resolve open bills, hire at-home care, and more. 

Exactly what is a sale-leaseback and how does it work? Understanding a little more about it will help you learn how to evaluate a sale-leaseback and determine if it’s a good option for you.

History of Sale-Leasebacks

What is a leaseback? A leaseback is a financial arrangement where the seller of an asset leases it back from the buyer, allowing the seller to continue using the asset.

The sale-leaseback transaction was first popularized in the arena of commercial real estate. It provided business owners with an attractive option for eliminating debt on their property while simultaneously liquidating the equity. A home sale-leaseback transaction lets homeowners sell their property while remaining as tenants, providing immediate cash without needing to move. 

Companies that chose this option could maintain their possession of a real estate asset without the burdens of ownership. It allowed business owners to free up capital to reinvest in the company. A sale-leaseback transaction involves selling a property and then leasing it back, ensuring continuous occupancy for the seller.

For example, a small manufacturing firm owns a factory that makes motorcycle parts. The demand for these parts has grown, and the company would like to purchase additional manufacturing equipment. If they were to sell the building, they’d free up the cash, but relocating would be prohibitively expensive. Securing a mortgage would be another option, but the proceeds of the loan wouldn’t yield enough money. 

So instead, they choose the sale-leaseback process. They sell the building to a real estate firm that then leases it back to them for a negotiated term. With the cash flow now available, they can purchase the equipment needed to grow their business.

This rent back agreement, once found only in commercial property, is now available to residential homeowners with products such as Truehold’s sale-leaseback.

Benefits of a Sale-Leaseback

There are many sales and leaseback advantages and disadvantages. Sale-leasebacks are growing in popularity as more brokers and homeowners learn about these benefits, which include: 

  • Quick sale and closing without home staging, viewings, or open houses
  • Access to your home equity
  • No more worry, stress, and time spent on repairs and renovations
  • Freedom from property ownership liability
  • No more property tax or property insurance payments
  • New owner pays for major home maintenance and necessary upgrades 
  • Freedom from housing debt

Why Would Someone Need a Sale-Leaseback?

If you need or want ready cash, want to continue living in your home, and are open to the changes that come with a switch from homeowner to renter status, then you’re a potential candidate for a sale-leaseback. Common reasons for entering a sale-leaseback arrangement include:

  • Early retirement – If all the usual reasons for seeking a reverse mortgage are in place, but you’re under the 62-year age minimum, an SLB is an option that offers access to home equity funds while allowing you to keep living in your home. 
  • Financial opportunities – An SLB is a path to turn your home into instant cash and utilize the cash for a new business, investments, or education, without moving out of the family home.
  • Financial challenges – Employee layoffs, business closings, and unforeseen medical expenses are situations that many families face. The ability to unlock your equity quickly without having to leave the family home and school district provides critical flexibility, financial opportunities, and cash flow during challenging times. 
  • Interim housing – Although we’re focusing on long-term arrangements in this article, SLBs are also used as a step between houses for some sellers or buyers. Knowing where to live while building a house is invaluable information to explore.

If, for example, you want to sell your home and buy a new one, you may opt to negotiate with a potential buyer to include a short-term SLB that allows them to close on the house and then lease it back to you for an agreed-upon period. 

The lease term in a sale-leaseback can vary, providing flexibility to the homeowner-turned-tenant. Monthly lease payments are agreed upon during the sale-leaseback process, allowing the seller to plan their finances. Opting for a long term lease can provide stability and predictability in living arrangements post-sale.

Unlock your property's potential with Truehold's sale-leaseback

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Sale-Leaseback Requirements

When you shop for a mortgage or loan, you’ll find fairly consistent standards among lenders based on credit score, debt load, employment history, and so on. A mortgage lender is taking a gamble that the property you’re buying is worth what you want to pay and that you’re a reliable candidate that can meet the loan obligations. 

Sale-leaseback providers, however, don’t have to assess that level of risk. SLB providers are investors who buy your property outright based on appraised and market value. They work with you to ensure you can cover monthly rent payments as long as you’d like to stay in your home as a renter. If you choose to walk away from the home, a sale-leaseback provider can lease the house to another renter without losing money. 

Since long-term SLBs are fairly new to residential real estate, requirements vary between providers. At Truehold, we typically work with individuals and families who have: 

  • A single-family home valued between $100k and $450k
  • A combination of home equity and liquid assets that can cover three or more years’ rent

Our advisors connect with you one-on-one to help you decide if Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback is right for you and discuss your overall financial picture, your home’s value and condition, and how an SLB fits into your goals and plans.

How Do Residential Sale-Leasebacks Compare to Reverse Mortgages?

Other than selling a home, a reverse mortgage is usually the first thing people think of when they’re looking for ways to free up accumulated equity. But while a reverse mortgage involves taking on new debt, Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback offers a debt-free alternative.

A No-Debt Solution

Reverse mortgages are a loan. When you take out a reverse mortgage, your credit report reflects the debt. In the long run, this affects your ability to get approved for new credit cards, loans, or an increased credit limit. 

When you opt for a sale-leaseback arrangement, you access all of your home equity upfront with zero debt (minus a real estate commission). You can then use a portion of your unlocked equity to stay in your home as a renter and use the remaining cash however you’d like.

Minimize Upfront and Recurring Costs

In addition to debt, reverse mortgages come with several upfront costs. With a reverse mortgage, borrowers will typically be subject to: 

  • Origination fees
  • Real estate closing costs
  • An initial mortgage insurance premium

After the loan has been finalized, borrowers will be responsible for several recurring costs, including: 

  • Monthly interest payments
  • Servicing fees
  • An annual mortgage insurance premium
  • Homeowner’s insurance 
  • Property tax

Once the home sale is finalized, the only recurring fee will be your monthly rent payment. Truehold residents are not responsible for interest payments, major home maintenance costs, homeowner’s insurance, or even property tax. For these reasons, converting your home from a real property to a rental under a sale-leaseback can significantly alter your financial landscape.

Unlock More Cash

Typically, a reverse mortgage only unlocks between 40 and 60% of your home’s property value. Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback allows homeowners to access all of their home’s market value, minus the real estate commission, in cash.

No Age Requirements

Reverse mortgages are only available to adults above the age of 62. If you’re a younger homeowner hoping to unlock your home’s equity, you can either wait until you’re eligible for a reverse mortgage or consider another home equity unlock product. 

Conventional mortgage financing options like home equity loans, HELOCs, and cash-out refinancing have no age requirements but often require borrowers to provide proof of income, high credit scores, and specific debt-to-income ratios—plus they result in more debt. 

How Do Residential Sale-Leasebacks Compare to Other Home Equity Unlock Options?

Reverse mortgages are just one way homeowners can access their home’s equity. Other home equity unlock products include cash-out refinancing, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), and home equity loans. 

Here’s how each of these conventional mortgage financing options compare to Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback. 

Cash-Out Refinancing

Cash-out refinancing allows homeowners who meet financial guidelines to access up to 80% of their home’s value. This may be a good option for property owners who have: 

  1. At least 20% equity in your home
  2. A credit score of 620 or more1
  3. A debt-to-income ratio of 43% or less, including the new loan
  4. Verifiable income and employment

Eligible homeowners should be prepared to pay closing costs upfront and make monthly principal and interest payments on their cash-out refinancing loan. 


Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) provide credit, which is secured by the equity in your home. You’ll have a specific draw period during which you can access up to specific monthly limits, and then a set date when the repayment period begins. 

You’ll usually need: 

  1. At least 15% equity in your home
  2. Credit score in the mid-600s or higher, at least 720 for the best rates2
  3. Debt-to-income ratio varies, between 36% and 43% or less, including the new loan
  4. Verifiable employment and income 

Eligible homeowners will be able to access up to 85% of their home’s equity through a HELOC.

HELOC interest rates are variable, and depending on the type of HELOC you choose, you may need to make minimum payments of interest or interest plus principal.

Home Equity Loans

Unlike HELOCs, home equity loans are straightforward mortgage instruments with a set amount of money borrowed and a monthly repayment schedule that begins immediately. They tend to have lower interest rates than HELOCs.

Home equity loan requirements are the same as noted for HELOCs, above.  

As with a HELOC, eligible homeowners will be able to access up to 85% of their home’s equity through a home equity loan.

Home equity loans have fixed interest rates, and some impose a prepayment penalty. This means that if your financial situation changes and you’d like to pay off the loan quickly, you’ll have to pay an extra fee.

Rates for both home equity loans and HELOCs are on the rise in connection with rising inflation.3

Truehold, on the other hand, offers a better alternative by allowing homeowners to access more equity upfront in cash. To understand the advantages of Truehold over traditional home equity loans, including the amount of equity you can obtain and associated fees, explore our sale leaseback and home equity calculator.

Transform your home equity
into debt-free cash, without
leaving the home you love.

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Sale-Leaseback Tax Considerations

When signing a sale-leaseback transaction on your home, there are several contractual and tax considerations to take into account. That said, a sale-leaseback consists of pairing two separate legal contracts. You’ll sign:

  • The sale of your home, which includes the dissolution of your current mortgage payment
  • A lease agreement, which incorporates a renewal option to extend the lease term

With Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback, you’ll receive the contractual right to continue renting your home as long as you like. You can remain for a year or two before a move or stay in your home permanently under a long-term lease agreement. 

The conversion of your real property to cash and the switch of your status from a homeowner to a renter can have several tax implications based on the value of your home, your state and local regulations, and your filing status. These may include: 

  • Inability to claim itemized deductions for property tax and mortgage insurance
  • Capital gains tax for profits over $250k for single filers or $500k for married
  • Loss of access to state or local property tax refund programs

Plus the most important change of all: you’ll no longer have to pay any property tax. 

Consider speaking with a tax or financial advisor before finalizing your decision to ensure that you’re well-educated on your unique tax situation.

How Do Sale-Leasebacks Impact Equity?

Equity grows slowly as you pay off your mortgage or by an increase in your home’s market value.

At the time of the SLB closing, the equity that has built up while you’ve owned your home is converted fully to profit. A home sale is the only way to unlock all of your home equity. 

Once you enter a sale-leaseback, you are switching from an owner to a renter, and you will no longer be making monthly payments or property investments that contribute to building equity. However, you will be able to unlock your home’s current equity and convert it into cash through a sale-leaseback agreement.

Truehold’s Sale-Leaseback

Our Sale-Leaseback is not a debt, which means homeowners who choose this option will avoid fees and penalties typical of other home equity unlock products. Additionally, all Truehold residents access their home’s equity upfront. The only recurring obligation is monthly lease payments, set based on other rental homes in your neighborhood.

The best way to find out if Truehold is a good fit for you is to reach out to us! Fill out the form below to request a no-obligation home offer. Alternatively, you may get in touch with a Truehold Advisor directly at (314) 353-9757 or via email at hello@truehold.com.


1. The Mortgage Reports. Cash-out refinance guide: Requirements and rates for 2022. https://themortgagereports.com/68932/cash-out-refinance-guide-rules-rates-requirements#requirements

2. Nerdwallet. Requirements for a Home Equity Loan and HELOC. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/what-are-the-requirements-for-a-home-equity-loan-and-heloc

3. NextAdvisor. Rising Inflation Keeps Pushing Home Equity and HELOC Rates Up. https://time.com/nextadvisor/loans/home-equity/average-heloc-home-equity-loan-rates-july-14-2022/

Lucas Grohn headshot
Written by
Lucas Grohn
Senior Manager of Sales at Truehold - A Thought-Leader in Real Estate
Lucas Grohn brings over a decade of real estate expertise to his role, where he guides a team dedicated to innovative sales strategies. Known for his thought leadership and diverse experience, from managing brokerage operations to training agents at top firms, Lucas covers a broad span of real estate content for Truehold.
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