Take Hold of Your Financial Future with a Sale-leaseback

It’s simple: Cash out, without moving out. With sell and stay, it’s easy to unlock your home’s equity.

Or call us at (314) 353-9757

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The Sell and Stay Process

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Ready to access your home equity with a sale-leaseback?

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Why Truehold

What is a Sale-Leaseback?

For a smart answer to some of life’s larger dilemmas, a residential sale-leaseback agreement is very straightforward. Here’s what it looks like at Truehold. First, we buy your home at a competitive all-cash price. Then, we rent it back to you. In one fell swoop, you unlock the hard-earned equity in as little as 30 days and spend the proceeds however you see fit. All without uprooting your life or leaving the neighborhood you love.

Benefits of a Sell and Stay Program

Maybe you love your property, but you’d also love to take care of some debt. Perhaps you’re looking to downsize or retire, but want to move gradually on your own terms. Or an unexpected life event has you turning to a home equity loan—but you’d rather not take on additional payments.

If you want to stay in your home but also find financial freedom and flexibility, you may enjoy the benefits of a sell and stay program like our home sale-leaseback program.

You Gain Immediate Access to Equity in Your Home

No one’s immune to financial stress, no matter how hard they work or what precautions they take. But with a sale-leaseback program, you can gain instant access to the equity you have in your home. No stressful listings, no open houses, no waiting, no movers. With cash in hand, you’ll feel empowered to invest in the future.

Avoid the Volatility of the Housing Market

Between shifting interest rates and a historically turbulent housing market, many homeowners feel concerned about the strength of their investment. If you’re spending more time worrying about your home than enjoying it, Truehold’s sale-leaseback can offer relief from the stress of homeownership. Protect your wealth from an unpredictable market and take control of your finances. We can help move beyond mortgage payments and get on the road to securing your wealth.

Start to Build Back Your Financial Life

If you’re struggling to stay ahead of your monthly bills, a sale-leaseback arrangement can help you increase your liquidity, fast. You’ve invested so much in your home and it’s okay to tap into your gains. In fact, many homeowners turn to Truehold to gain access to their cash and get back on strong financial footing—all while remaining in the homes that they cherish.

Truehold is made for people like you, no matter your stage in life. 

Secure Icon

Secure your retirement

Stop worrying about daily expenses and economic fluctuations. Consolidate resources, and plan for the future.
Financial Icon

Relieve financial burdens

A sale-leaseback could be the key to paying off debts or navigating major life events like divorce.
Move Icon

Simplify your move

Lock in a great sale price now and use the proceeds to buy or build a new home on your own timeline.
Home Icon

Age in place

Use your home equity to finance healthcare and other large expenses while staying in a place you love.
Dream Icon

Finance your dreams

Get the cash you need for a better future like continuing education or a new business venture.
Equity Icon

Maximize home equity

Make a savvy financial choice: sell and stay with Truehold’s sale-leaseback program. Unlocking your home's value now can save you thousands in the long-run.

Frequently asked questions

See all FAQs
How long does the sales leaseback process take?
We understand that you may be looking for a timely solution to a challenging situation, so we’ll get to work right away. As soon as you reach out, our dedicated team will begin exploring your best options and developing an actionable plan that helps you move forward, fast. Many of our partners have been able to complete their sale-leaseback transaction within the span of about 45 days. In some cases, homeowners may be able to complete the transaction in even less time.
Why is a sale-leaseback better than a reverse mortgage?
Put simply, sale-leasebacks are a simple transaction of selling your home and leasing it back; a reverse mortgage is a complex loan that results in debt when a sale-leaseback comes with no debt.

In a sale-leaseback through Truehold, homeowners gain access to their home equity in the form of debt-free cash. And, because they make the transition from homeowner to renter, they’re no longer responsible for property taxes, essential maintenance, and homeowner’s insurance fees.

With a reverse mortgage, a homeowner gains access to only 40–60% of their equity in the form of a complex cash loan that carries increasing interest and fees. Because individuals retain ownership in a reverse mortgage scenario, they will still be responsible for property taxes, home maintenance, and homeowner’s insurance. These costs and responsibilities can really stack up. And while homeowners aren’t required to make monthly payments to their reverse mortgage lender, they (or their beneficiaries) will eventually be required to repay the debt—sometimes by selling the home.
How long can I stay in my home when I rent it back?
How long you stay in your home is entirely up to you. As long as you continue to pay rent and comply with the long-term lease agreement, there’s no limit to how long you can rent the property. Some of our partners see a sale-leaseback as a long-term, supportive solution for remaining in the house and community that they love. Others view a sale-leaseback with Truehold as the first step toward their next adventure.
How are my home's value and rent calculated?
Using best-in-class technology and years of experience in the real estate market, our diverse team of real estate professionals and financial experts will assess the property value of your home and any other owned real estate asset. Once the value has been established, we’ll calculate a lease payment that aligns with comparable rentals in your area. If you have questions about the valuation process or your leaseback arrangement terms, one of our (real, human) team members is just a call or message away.
What fees will I pay during the process?
Real estate asset transactions can be riddled with fees. At Truehold, we’re committed to keeping as much of your cash in your hands as possible. When you sell your home, you will pay a standard fee of 5.5%.
What is the inspection process?
The inspection process is a standard part of any home sale and the sale-leaseback arrangement. We believe that transparency is essential to our process, so we hire a third party expert to conduct inspections before we close. When we have the full picture of a home’s condition, we can arrive at the final price and plan for any necessary repairs.
After closing, who pays property taxes, HOA fees, maintenance and insurance?
After we buy your home, we take on the burdens that come with property ownership—including taxes, insurance, and repair costs. All of those endless to-do lists and headaches? We’re happy to take those on, too.

Get your all-cash offer in 48 hours.

Call (314) 353-9757